Grand Jury Investigation
So you've received a grand jury subpoena.
After the initial shock wears off (just a bit) and before you spend a sleepless night worrying about it, contact me. I've assisted numerous clients with Federal grand jury subpoenas and can walk you through the process.
And, yes, you must appear.
What I can't do is to appear before the grand jury with you, as appearances at such proceedings are strictly limited to the grand jurors, the Assistant United States Attorneys and the testifying witnesses.
Here's what I can do...
What I can do is prepare you for your testimony, arrange for a "pre-grand jury" meeting with the Assistant United States Attorney before hand, and sit just outside while you testify. I can also arrange, via prior agreement with Government prosecutors, to limit the scope of the questioning and, additionally, obtain a limited use immunity letter (or agreement), to protect you.
What to expect
Federal grand juries have a maximum of 23 members, 16 of whom must be present to form a quorum. Indictments are returned by a vote of 12 or more members. Federal grand juries typically sit for a term of 18 months and meet at regular intervals. The Federal prosecutor, or Assistant United States Attorney (“AUSA”), is the primary Government official interacting with the Federal grand jury. As a practical matter, a Federal grand jury will almost always return an indictment presented to it by a prosecutor.
Obviously, testifying or providing documents to such a powerful body entails risks. You should never attempt to face these risks without the help of an experienced Federal criminal defense attorney.
You're not alone. I'll be by your side every step of the way.
If you or a loved one is arrested and charged with illegal re-entry, please call our 24-hour telephone number 305-461-1066 to set up an appointment and free consultation so we can assess your particular case and provide you with the best legal advice on how to proceed. Be assured that our conversation is private and is protected under attorney-client privilege.
Stop worrying. I can help. I want to hear your side of the story